Upcoming Events

 * Dates, Places and Times are subject to change. Please email calendar@haggardpta.org any changes.

Haggard MS/PISD Resources

2024-2025 Haggard MS Bell Schedule


Haggard MS Traffic Plan

Plano ISD Academic Calendar

  2024 -2025 PISD Calendar

PlanoISD Parent Portal Link









Thank you for your wonderful donations.  We'll collect again shortly! 


Details are below for the future:


Haggard PTA would love your help in making teachers and staff feel appreciated.


Our goal is to provide treats throughout the year to show our teachers and staff how much we appreciate everything they do.

We are hoping you would be willing to donate $5-$10-$15-$20 4 times a year to provide a special treat or breakfast for each department.

Please click the image below to register and support our staff and teachers.
You will be able to make the payment through the website.

Should you have any questions, please contact our PTA at hospitality@haggardpta.org.












2024-2025 PTA Membership Awards