All volunteers must complete a volunteer application through Plano ISD's VOLY platform. Please click here to go directly to it and create a profile. Or click the picture above to be redirected to the PISD Volunteers page to learn more.
Benefits of Volunteering
School volunteers and mentors provide assistance to students, help staff better meet the needs of students and develop closer ties between schools and community.
Benefits for the Students
- Enriched learning experiences
- Opportunities for exploration
- Additional individualized and personalized attention
- Learning reinforcement
- Increased motivation and improved self-concept
- Positive adult role models
Benefits for the School
- Additional services without extra cost
- Released teacher time to provide additional instructional time
- Improved student achievement, attitude and behavior
- Community support
- Parent understanding and cooperation
- Positive public relations and community attitude toward the educational system
Benefits for the Community
- Better quality education
- More responsive school system
- Added pride and confidence in educational system
- Better educated students
Benefits for the Volunteer
- Assisting students to achieve
- Sharing knowledge and talents
- Knowing that you are needed and valued
- Becoming more involved in the school and community
- Providing active support for quality education